3.污染源(Pollution Source) 即可能与食品 接触,并可能使其中所含的某些物质进入食品, 对食品造成污染的对象都是食品的污染源,如 大气、生产用水、机械设...
重庆市地下商场TVOC污染调查及来源分析 - 中南大学学报(自然科学版、英文版) 关键字: 挥发性有机物;室内空气品质;污染来源[gap=1647]Key words: VOCs; indoor air quality; pollution source
air pollution source 空气污染〔来 ; 空气污染〔来〕源 ; [环境] 空气污染源 ; 空污源
non-point pollution source [环境] 非点污染源 ; 面污染源
natural pollution source 天然污染源
urban air pollution source 城市空气污染源
Pollution Source Census 污染源普查
air pollution source emission 空气污染源排放 ; 空气污染源排放物
atmospheric pollution source [环境] 大气污染源
The thesis also studies the environmental health effect , it has primary studied the pollution source and element transfer track in urban ecosystem.
参考来源 - 成都市生态环境地球化学评价Be against the water quality monitoring present situationof our country, in order more effectively to realize the monitoring to the pollution source, onekind of intelligent observation system of long-range water quality has been discussed in thistext.
参考来源 - 水质远程智能监测系统的开发·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress