Sparsely populated 人烟稀少 ; 人口稀疏 ; 人口分布稀疏 ; 人口稀少
densely populated 人口稠密 ; 人口分布稠密 ; 更频繁 ; 人口密集的
sparsely-populated 人口稀少的 ; 人口稀疏的
populated board 附有元件的电路板 ; 正考虑用于装配板
moderately populated 中量人口密度
densely populated area 旧时指人烟稠密的地方 ; 人口稠密地区 ; 人口密集区域
populated areas 人口稠密地区 ; 人口密集地区
"the area is well populated"; "forests populated with all kinds of wild life"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T If an area is populated by certain people or animals, those people or animals live there, often in large numbers. 聚居; 栖息
Before all this the island was populated by native American Arawaks.
populated ADJ 聚居了的; 栖息了的 [adv ADJ]
The southeast is the most densely populated area.
V-T To populate an area means to cause people to live there. 使聚居
Successive regimes annexed the region and populated it with lowland people.