... 有管制的浮动汇率 managed floating exalter rate 证券投入资金 portfolio investment 游资(热钱) hot cash ...
portfolio investment trust 证券投资信托
foreign portfolio investment 外国投资
portfolio investment service 证券组合服务
portfolio investment strategy 证券投资决策
portfolio investment decision 证券投资决策
portfolio investment programs 组合投资计划
portfolio investment selection 证券组合投资选择
bilateral portfolio investment 双边有价证券投资
On the other hand, a portfolio investment decision model wasestablished for the purpose of choosing potential investment partners.
参考来源 - 基于粗集理论的投资决策模型研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
We discuss the problem of portfolio investment with risk minimization subject to nonnegative investment proportional coefficient.
A optional model of portfolio investment with fuzzy-coefficient in which profit rates and risk rates are fuzzy Numbers is presented in this paper.
The simulation trading system of portfolio investment is one of the most typical systems in the practical step of the finance-teaching curriculum .
It's something that permeates the portfolio and, I think, provides really interesting investment opportunities because a lot of the foreign markets are less efficiently priced than those that you find in the U.S.
Now, underlying our theory is the idea that we measure the outcome of your investment in your portfolio by the mean of the return on the portfolio and the variance of the return on the portfolio.
Because of the way that we deal with taxes and mutual funds, you can get a tax bill for gains that were realized by the investment manager turning over the portfolio even though you might not have held the shares during the period when the gains were realized.