... power-take-off ①动力分配器②动力输出装置(卡车) power-train system 传动系统 power-transfer relay 电源转换继电器电力传输继电器 ...
Power Train System 传动系统 ; 传动零碎 ; 动力系统 ; 动力传动系统
Engine and Power Train System 发动机及动力传动系
power train system oil 传动系机油
Other Power Train System Components 其它动力系统元件
power train hydraulic system 传动装置的液压系统
tractor power train hydraulic system 拖拉机传动系液压系统
power train hydraulic system schematic 传动装置液压系统简图
power train electrical system 传动装置的电路系统
Automatic transmission technology is one of the key research fields in vehicle power train system.
参考来源 - 基于模糊规则的AMT换挡执行机构位置的高精度控制·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
There are three components to this system: a large electrical power source, metal coils lining a guide way or track, and large guidance magnets attached to the underside of the train.
The chassis by the power train, traveling system, steering and braking system components.
The experiment results on a car equipped with power train integrated control system are also illustrated.