... PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Act 计划、实施、检查、措施 PPM - Parts Per Million 百万分之 QA - Quality Assurance 质量保证 ...
Levels of the gas at the Zeppelin research station on Svalbard, northern Norway, last week peaked at over 397 parts per million (PPM), an increase of more than 2.5ppm on 2008.
A commonly cited goal is to stabilize GHG concentrations around 450-550 parts per million (PPM), or about twice pre-industrial levels.
一个共同的目标是使温室气体在空气中的浓度稳定在450 - 550ppm(注二),或者大约两倍于工业化前的水平。
If we continue to burn fossil fuels at current rates, levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will reach 550 PPM (parts per million) — double pre-industrial levels — by around 2050.