... 评论经典艺术 critiquethefinearts 【佛教】地藏车,祈祷轮。 prayer-wheel 亚低地藏酒阁 bodegas vega sicilla ...
Classic Table Top Prayer Wheel 传统桌面型
Tickets for a Prayer Wheel 转经轮的票 ; 唱片名
Prayer Wheel 转经筒
A row of prayer wheel 一排转经筒
以上来源于: WordNet
N (esp in Tibet) a wheel or cylinder inscribed with or containing prayers, each revolution of which is counted as an uttered prayer, so that such prayers can be repeated by turning it (尤指在西藏)转经轮; 刻有经文的转轮或圆筒,每转一圈被认为是念诵一次经文,不断地转动表示反复念经 [Buddhism]
Peasants and city-slickers alike turned a giant Buddhist prayer-wheel at thepolling station's gate.
"No," I said, tensing up as he removed his hands from the wheel to mime a Buddhist prayer.
The prayer wheel with Olga giving it a spin.