...货地(Place of receipt)、交货地(Place of delivery)或最终目的地(Final Destination)、第一程运输工具(Pre-carriage by),以及海运船名及航次等。 缮制联运提单需均按信用证规定缮制,联运提单由多式联运经营人签发。
Pre-carriage? The initial transport of goods from the seller's premises to the mail port of shipment. Usually by truck, rail or on inland waterways.
Pre-carriage – The initial tra ort of goods from the seller's premises to the mail port of shipment. Usually by truck, rail or on inland waterways.
前程运输— 从卖方地点到主装运港的最初运输。通常通过卡车、铁路或内河水路进行运输。