腐油 中文名: 防腐油 英文名: preservative oil CAS号: 分子式: 分子量: 密度: 熔点: 沸点: 闪点: 粘度: 蒸气压: 折射率: 毒性LD50: 性状: 深绿色液体。常温下是
Wood Preservative Oil [木] 木材防腐油
Gasoline cutback rust preservative oil 汽油稀型防锈油
preservative oil mixture 防护油混合剂
preservative oil and grease 防锈油脂
Solvent cutback rust preservative oil 溶剂稀释型防锈油
oil-solvent preservative 油溶性防腐剂
tar-oil type preservative 焦油类防腐剂
oil-type preservative 油类防腐剂
The paper describes the research process, formula, performance and application of weapon equipment preservative oil.
The orange oil and witch hazel will act as a preservative.
TBHQ is a preservative for vegetable oils and animal fats, limited to. 02 percent of the oil in the nugget.