Pressure-Casting Die Steel 压铸模具合金钢
pressure die casting 加压模铸法 ; 压铸 ; 压力铸造 ; [机] 压模铸件
high pressure die casting 简称压铸 ; 高压铸造
Low pressure die casting 低压铸 ; 低压压铸 ; 低压铸造
This paper mainly performs the design and temperature field simulation and research on Al low pressure casting die of cooling system of high-speed train.
About half of all aluminium castings are made using high-pressure die-casting (HPDC), in which a molten aluminium alloy is injected under pressure into a steel mould, or die.
The current research and application status of the creep resistant magnesium alloys used for high pressure die casting and for gravity casting in automobile were reviewed.