... 主调度员,调度主任:chief dispatcher 主电源,主动力:main power 主电源,一次电源;一次[中子]源:primary source ...
primary source material 原始生油物质 ; 资料
Primary Source Subdivision Accuracy 令主要光源划分精确度
primary source of infection [植保] 初侵染源
Primary Source Collections 及第一手资源
primary source text [计] 主源程序正文
the primary source material 烃类的母质
file primary source 文件主源
device primary source [计] 设备主源
There are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars.
Parallel rails had long been used in mining operations to move bigger loads, but horses were still the primary source of power.
Wood, the primary source of heat for homes and industries and also used in the iron industry as processed charcoal, was diminishing in supply.