screen printable paste 丝网漏印用膏
Make It Printable 确保适于印刷
Printable Electronics 可印刷电子 ; 可印制电子
Printable Area 可打印区域 ; 打印面积
Quoted-Printable 编码 ; 可打印 ; 可打印字符引用编码
printable color 可印颜色
Printable version 可打印版本 ; 保荐人制度 ; 打印版本 ; 可打印版
non-printable 非打印字符 ; 不可打印
Printable Coupons 可打印优惠券
ADJ If you say that someone's words or remarks are not printable, you mean that they are likely to offend people, and are therefore not suitable to be repeated in writing or speech. 可刊登的; 上得了台面的 [journalism] [usu with brd-neg]
His teammates opened hotel windows, shouting "Jump!" and somewhat less printable banter.
His teammates opened hotel windows, shouting "Jump!" and somewhat less printable banter.
They may offer printable coupons for your desired product.
In the first article, my goal was to obtain printable reports.