...)的概念及其几何意义,几种常见函数〔C,xm(m为有理数),ex ,ax ,ln x ,logax〕 六、 概率与统计(Probability and Statistic) ..
probability and statistic for business 商务统计
probability and statistic method 概率统计方法
probability and statistic for engineering 概率统计
Probability and Mathematical Statistic 概率论与数理统计 ; 概率统计
And the robustness of DHAM was derived using probability and statistic method, with some approximate reasoning using.
运用概论统计的方法推导出了运行于同步方式下D H A M 的鲁棒性,推导中对结果进行了近似处理。
Some previous fracture probability and statistic equations are shown to be special cases of this equation and the defect density and the cumulative fracture probability play an important role.
分析了缺陷数密度 和缺陷累计失效概率对试件破坏的影响;
This procedure is based upon computing a t statistic and using a probability function to find the probability of observing a value that large by chance.