中国视听教育学会 关键字:程式设计、问题解决、教学设计、学习支持 [gap=743]Keywords :Programming, Problem-solving, Instructional design, Learning support
... 解决难题 » Problem-solving 他留着和我一样的发型 » He's like me hairdo 是的,下午我睡觉 » Yes, I sleep at ...
Problem Solving Environment 问题求解环境 ; 问题求解平台 ; 其中问题求解环境
Problem solving ability 解题能力 ; 解决问题的能力 ; 能力 ; 问题解决能力
Creative Problem Solving 创造性地处理问题 ; 创意解难 ; 创造性问题解决
Systematic problem-solving 系统 ; 条理的处理问题的能力 ; 体系
Problem-solving Meeting 对策讨论会
problem solving set 问题解决定势
problem-solving team 问题解决团队 ; 解决问题型的 ; 问题解决小组 ; 问题解决型团队
problem-solving skills 解题技巧 ; 问题解决能力 ; 解决问题的能力 ; 解决问题能力
problem solving knowledge 问题求解知识
Triana, an open source and distributed platform-independent Problem Solving Environment(PSE), is proved to be efficient enough to build such distributed pipelines.
参考来源 - 利用Triana构建基于Web服务的分布式可视化系统—《电脑知识与技术》—2010年第5期—龙源期刊网Problem solving.
参考来源 - 完形视域与认知范式——论格式塔学派关于记忆与问题解决研究对认知心理学产生和发展的促进Problem decomposition is the basis of any complex problem solving. So in the process of conceptual design of complex product using HWME, the decomposition of this problem should be made firstly.
参考来源 - 面向复杂产品概念设计的综合集成研讨厅问题求解过程与方法研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: problem solving
同义词: problem solving
以上来源于: WordNet
Since he started to attend forest school, my son has been more active and brighter with improved problem-solving skills.
It is essentially a narrow and conservative approach to problem-solving.
When she did sleep, she experienced "problem-solving dreams", which left her feeling unrested when she woke up.
Lemelson died in 1997 at the age of 74, but the foundation that he set up promotes problem-solving through invention and innovation.
VOA: standard.2009.12.18
In addition to many lectures, we have the working groups pleased to do both experiments and to do problem-solving exercises.
Also we will have students doing workshops and problem-solving where the students will solve problems as a group, a group of three and turn in a common work sheet.