Product R&D 产品研发部
Product R&D Engineer 产品研发工程师
Product R&D Manager 产品研发经理
Product R & D personnel 产品研发人员
Product R&D Project Manager 产品项目研发经理
Product R&D Leader-MV Switchgear 产品研发主管
product R&D staff 产品研发人员
Product R & D Outsourcing 产品研发外包
Senior product R&D engineer 高级产品研发工程师
Natural Product R & D 天然产物研究与开发
Hill, T. and Westbrook, r., "SWOT analysis: it's time for a product recall", Long Range Planning, February 1997.
and Westbrook, r .,“SWOT分析:是时候召回产品了”,《长期规划》,1997年2月。
New product development process and product R & D center is responsible for new product research and development.
INNFOS is an ideal product R & D company, it is down to earth with the creative power to achieve business value of the company.
INNFOS 是一家理想主义至上的产品研发公司,更是脚踏实地用创造力去实现商业价值的公司。