名词定义中文名称:免疫程序英文名称:program of immunization定义:一个地区(或单位)根据实际情况制定的合理的预防接种计划。即依据疫病在本地区流行情况及规律,畜禽的用途、年龄、母源抗体水平和饲养条件,使用疫苗的种类、性质、
The routine infant immunization in the health district of Ouahigouya started in 2002 and the reported Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) coverage at the end of 2007 was 85.3%.
于2002年开始在瓦希古亚卫生区开展婴儿例行免疫接种活动。 据报,截至2007年底,扩大免疫规划(EPI)覆盖率为85.3%。
Since the launch of the program in 2000, GAVI estimates that 5 million premature deaths have been averted by its immunization efforts.
The study suggested that immunosuppressed HIV-infected children have a low persistence of antibodies to the vaccines of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI, WHO).
研究报告表明,感染艾滋病毒并免疫抑制的的儿童对免疫扩大计划(EPI, WHO)疫苗的有一个低持久性抗体。