Optical projection profile grinding machines 光学曲线磨床
profile projection 侧面投影 ; 纵断面投影器
Optical projection profile grinding machines-Parameters 光学曲线磨床参数
projection profile cut 投影轮廓切分算法
profile plane of projection 侧面投影面 ; 侧投影面
Profile projection plane 侧立投影面
profile projection methold 侧面投影法
Profile projection algorithm 投影法
profile projection of point 点的侧面投影
After applying BVSA, the projection profile of Chinese text showed an important phenomenon - the convergence of BCF vector.
BCF (Blank Count feature), a new feature of the construction of projection profile, was presented for Chinese text analysis.
Traditionally, connected component detection and projection profile analysis have been two common approaches for determining character positions in document images.