[ 第三人称单数 prostrates 现在分词 prostrating 过去式 prostrated 过去分词 prostrated ]
prostrate oneself 恭敬地跪下礼拜
II breath prostrate II型呼吸衰竭
prostrate stem 平卧茎
lie prostrate 俯卧 ; 手足伏地
prostrate plant 匍匐植物 ; 匍匐性植物
fall prostrate 向前仆倒
Prostrate Acacia 俯卧相思
V-T If you prostrate yourself, you lie down flat on the ground, on your front, usually to show respect for God or a person in authority. 使(自己)俯伏; 使(自己)拜倒
They prostrated themselves before their king.
ADJ If you are lying prostrate, you are lying flat on the ground, on your front. 俯卧的; 平卧的 [ADJ after v]
Percy was lying prostrate, his arms outstretched and his eyes closed.
ADJ If someone is prostrate, they are so distressed or affected by a very bad experience that they are unable to do anything at all. 沮丧的; 一蹶不振的 [正式] [oft ADJ 'with' n]
I was prostrate with grief.
He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.
They fell prostrate in worship.
They're prostrate on the burning lake of this miserable new realm called hell, yet nonetheless Satan pulls himself together and begins to analyze, to theorize, his situation.
For me the absolutely shocking fact of this simile ] is that its primary purpose is merely to describe the number of angels who are prostrate on the burning lake of hell.