English Puritanism 英国清教
anti puritanism 反清教主义
Humanized Puritanism 人文主义清教观
Conflicting Puritanism 矛盾的清教主义
puritanism principle 清教原则
Calvinist Puritanism 加尔文清教主义
Therefore, the nature depicted in her poems not only reflects the idea of Emerson’s Transcendentalism, but sometimes resounds the tune similar to that of Puritanism.
她诗歌中所描绘的自然既反映出爱默生的超验主义思想 ,又不时地唱出与清教主义旋律相近的曲调。
参考来源 - 埃米莉·迪金森诗歌中的自然·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Puritanism is behaviour or beliefs that are based on strict moral or religious principles, especially the principle that people should avoid physical pleasures. (特指避免肉体之欢的)清教徒行为和教义 [表不满]
...Southern Baptist puritanism.
Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic.
Perhaps, form the beginning, a steak of puritanism had been latent , deep inside him.
也许, 从一出世起, 就有一种清教徒式的性格深深潜伏在他身上。
To treat with national heritage Puritanism , his attitude is criticism, and retrospect.
对待民族遗产清教主义, 他的态度是:批判、 反思。
And this belief that's called Calvinist predestination is really at the heart of mainstream English Puritanism at this point.
The Protestant Reformation, and especially the rising energies of Puritanism in the early seventeenth century, are beginning to do a lot to change this state of affairs.