足跟离地期(heel-off)时,由小腿后侧肌群向心收缩带动的推进力(push-off),形成 前脚掌的律动(forefoot rocker),再进入大腿后侧肌群 (hamstrings)的向心收缩,使得下肢 的膝关节产生屈曲的动作让脚尖离开地...
push off 走掉 ; 离开 ; 蹬雪 ; 蹬离冰面
push-off moulding machine 带顶杆的造型机
push-off leg 点冰脚 ; 起跳脚
Crazy Push Off 疯逛推推乐 ; 疯狂的推挤
push off to skating 推进式滑行
push-off barge 推航式驳船
V to move into open water, as by being cast off from a mooring (起锚)进入水域 (See also push out)
Patented EZ Port is the simple drive on, push-off method of dry docking.
获得专利的 EZ Port 是进干船坞简捷上墩、下水的解决办法。
In other words, sprinters sacrifice the mechanical advantage of a long lever for the benefit of a stronger push-off.
Hey, what are you doing? Push off!