Software Project Quality Management 软件项目质量管理
Quality Management of Software Project 加油卡系统软件项目的质量管理
There are nine RUP workflows, including requirements, project management, configuration & change management, and even one for business modeling -- but not one for software quality assurance (SQA).
存在有九个RUP工作流程,包括了需求、项目管理、配置 & 变更管理,甚至还有业务建模--但是没有一个是用于软件质量保证(SQA)的。
Software Configuration Management (SCM) can help even the largest, most complex project teams manage change, so they can deliver higher-quality products faster.
Illustration软件配置管理(Soft ware Configuration Management, SCM)有助于大型、复杂的项目团队管理变更,这样,他们就可以更快地交付更高质量的产品。
The quality of software project management determines the software efficiency. It introduces the E-SPM, a software project management system which embraces comparably mature functions.
软件项目管理的质量决定了软件的生产效率,介绍了一个功能较完善的E SPM软件项目管理系统。