[ 复数 quibbles 第三人称单数 quibbles 现在分词 quibbling 过去式 quibbled 过去分词 quibbled ]
Quibble over the 咬文嚼字
quibble over sth 在某事上纠结
quibble e 遁词 ; 吹毛求疵的反对意见
to quibble 狡辩 ; 调嘴
Not to quibble 不要狡辩
pun quibble 有明暗两层含义的话语
nto quibble 狡辩
My Only Quibble 唯一挑剔
V-RECIP When people quibble over a small matter, they argue about it even though it is not important. (为琐事) 争辩
Lawmakers spent the day quibbling over the final wording of the resolution.
N-COUNT A quibble is a small and unimportant complaint about something. 微不足道的抱怨
These are minor quibbles.