[ 复数 rails或rail 第三人称单数 rails 现在分词 railing 过去式 railed 过去分词 railed ]
...摆设警力(Police),赶赴现场实行窥察〖br/> 经开头观察,李某于2011年11月份承包原科研站,欲建赛狗场并在场地内切割钢轨(Rail)跑道(Track),用于赛狗DB”2月23日,李某将轨道安装好举办试运行时(Row)被即时威廉希尔抓了个正着(Is the),即时威廉希尔现场(Scene...
文章详细信息 关键词: 铁道车辆;轨道;垂向振动;轮轨相互作用;耦合动力学 [gap=1105]Keywords: railway vehicle, rail, vertical vibration, wheel/rail interaction, coupling dynamics
rail transport [铁路] 铁路运输 ; 铁路交通 ; 铁路交通运输 ; 轨道运输
Water Rail [鸟] 普通秧鸡 ; 船舷步道
regional rail 区域铁路 ; 区域轨道交通 ; 或地区铁路 ; 通勤铁路线
Clothes rail 挂衣杆
VIA Rail 维亚铁路 ; 加拿大国铁 ; 维亚火车
third rail 轨道供电 ; [铁路] 第三轨 ; 导电轨 ; 第三杆
Guam Rail 关岛秧鸡
Red Rail 红秧鸡
Hawaiian Rail 夏威夷秧鸡
Rail transport plays a unique role in promoting regional economic development and urban development.
参考来源 - 铁路对株洲城市现代化进程的影响(1840So,it is reliable and feasible to predict the temperature and control the evolution of microstructure for obtaining a high-quality rail by the energy-principle.
参考来源 - 上限原理在重轨万能轧制过程平均温度计算中的应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: railing
"he traveled by rail"; "he was concerned with rail safety"
同义词: inveigh
"rail in the old graves"
同义词: rail in
"The yard was railed"
"rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace"
同义词: rail off
"fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium"
"They railed from Rome to Venice"
同义词: train
"hundreds of miles were railed out here"
"They are railing for fresh fish"
同义词: vilify revile vituperate
"She railed against the bad social policies"
同义词: fulminate
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A rail is a horizontal bar attached to posts or around the edge of something as a fence or support. 栏杆
They had to walk across an emergency footbridge, holding onto a rope that served as a rail.
N-COUNT A rail is a horizontal bar that you hang things on. (挂物用的) 横杆
This pair of curtains will fit a rail up to 7 ft 6 in wide.
N-COUNT Rails are the steel bars which trains run on. 铁轨
The train left the rails but somehow forced its way back onto the line.
N-UNCOUNT If you travel or send something by rail, you travel or send it on a train. 乘火车; 用火车 (运送)
The president travelled by rail to his home town.
N any of various small wading birds of the genus Rallus and related genera: family Rallidae, order Gruiformes (cranes, etc). They have short wings, long legs, and dark plumage 普通秧鸡
V to provide with a rail or railings 提供护栏
V to complain bitterly or vehemently 强烈抗议
to rail against fate
PHRASE If something is back on the rails, it is beginning to be successful again after a period when it almost failed. 东山再起 [英国英语] [journalism]
It may take some time to get the economy back on the rails.
PHRASE If someone goes off the rails, they start to behave in a way that other people think is unacceptable or very strange, for example, they start taking drugs or breaking the law. 行为出轨 [英国英语]
They've got to do something about these children because clearly they've gone off the rails.
Raw materials and labour come by ship , rail or road.
Ticket prices include your flight and onward rail journey.
She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail.
Supporters of the Confederacy had damaged trains,rail lines and bridges between the two cities.
VOA: special.2009.08.20
you know, grind that ledge or do that rail or jump those stairs.
The new company would have complete control of rail transportation in the American West.
VOA: special.2010.08.12