... 产生时间序列变量(Create Time Series) 缺失值替代(Replace Missing Values) 随机数生成器 (Random Number Generators) 问卷调查中,正向问题和负向问题往往会同时出现 在一张问卷中,由此造成答案编码与实际赋值不符, 而数据是按答案编码录入的...
蒙特卡罗法利用一个随机数发生器(Random Number Generators),通过直接或间接抽取随机变量 的一组样本值 ,然后按 对于 的关系式计算函数 的值
以纳入研究的先后次序作为患者编号,采用SPSS软件随机数字发生器(Random Number Generators)生成随机数字,将60例患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各30例。
pseudo random number generators 数发生器
pseudo-random number generators 伪随机数产生器
parallel random number generators 并行随机数发生器
Parallel Random Number Generators Module 并行随机数生成模组
UDRs, like random number generators and current date/time functions, are variant and therefore cannot be used.
和随机数生成程序、当前日期/时间函数一样,UDR 通常是变化的,因此不能用于函数索引。
And then, methods of the parallel implementing, relative merits and test methods in parallel random number generators are described.
NOTE: when I said "random" in this post, I naturally mean the pseudorandom number generators computers use, which isn't really random, but was more than close enough for our project.
On the whole, Yale students are not random number generators.
The point here is when you're playing a game, you want to think about what other people are trying to do, to try and predict what they're trying to do, and it's not necessarily a great starting point to assume that the people around you are random number generators.