... range angle ==> 投弹角 range aperture ==> 距离孔径,距离孔径,沿距离射角 range appraisal ==> 草场评定 ...
Aperture Range 光圈范畴 ; 光圈规模
Suitable Aperture Range 适用管径范围
Applicable Aperture Diameter Range 适用瓶口范围
range multi-aperture 距离向多孔径
range multi-aperture sar 距离向多孔径
Processing aperture range 加工孔径范围
Aperture e Range 光圈范围
The combination of telephoto capabilities and an f/2.8 aperture throughout the zoom range up to 500mm makes this a great lens for wildlife, sports and for you stargazers, astrophotography.
Range alignment is crucial in motion compensation of the inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR).
The simple formulae of fast calculating aperture antenna directivity and gain are derived using antenna beamwidths. Applied range of these formulae are analyzed and discussed.