... official rate of exchange 官方利率 ; rate of foreign exchange 外汇兑换率 ; 外汇率 spot rate of exchange 即期外汇汇率 ...
... 外汇牌价表 list of exchange rate quotat... 外汇率 rate of foreign exchange 外汇票证 foreign exchange instrument ...
effective rate of foreign exchange 有效汇率
selling rate of foreign exchange 外汇卖出价
adjusted rate of foreign exchange 调整外汇率
Classification of Foreign Exchange Rate 汇率的种类 ; 外汇汇率的种类 ; 汇率的品类
readjustment of foreign exchange rate 调整外汇汇率
foreign exchange rate of RMB 人民币汇率
foreign rate of exchange 外汇兑换率
The rate of foreign exchange, once established, was supposedly fixed.
Under the influence of the global economic changing, the rate of foreign exchange waves violently.
But because rate and foreign-exchange swaps make up the bulk of the market, American banks will have to move only 10% or less of their $218 trillion (notional) combined derivatives holdings.