rate of interest [金融] 利率 ; 利息率 ; 利率单位 ; 汇率
effective rate of interest 实际利率 ; 债券发行时的市场利率
floating rate of interest 浮动利率
incremental borrowing rate of interest 新增借款利率
real rate of interest 实质利率 ; 实际利率 ; 真实利率 ; 资本实际利息率
natural rate of interest 自然利率 ; 正常利率
nominal rate of interest [金融] 名义利率 ; 名目利率
The other but more commonly used monetary policy is to change the rate to effectively alter the rate of interest on deposits.
Make sure you put out your savings at a high rate of interest.
These pay a fixed rate of interest but only if the bank is profitable.