nodal re gression 交点退行
re GREssion model 回归模型
re GREssion curve 回归曲线
re GREssion line 回归线
re GREssion period 退行周期
re GREssion error 回归误差
re GREssion plane 回归平面
partial re GREssion 部分退化
Regression model fitting results are not so satisfying.
参考来源 - 山东省土地利用格局及其驱动因素Logistic regression was analyzed for related factors to RAS.
参考来源 - 桡动脉痉挛209例相关因素的分析Cox regression analysis showed that Rs classification,age and the tumor size before treatment was the factors correlated with LCR.
参考来源 - 鼻咽癌放疗中影像所示肿瘤退缩情况与远期预后的关系Results:The vision safety coefficient of the 59 eyes is 1.01, the effective coefficient is 0.98.55 eyes have a significant refractive regression (> 1.00 D) by following up for 5 years.
结果:59眼中度以上近视术后视力的安全系数为:1.01,有效系数为0.98。 术后5年55眼出现了明显的屈光回退(>1.00D)。
参考来源 - LASIK矫正中度以上近视术后5年屈光回退分析The mid-Permian consists of two developed transgression-regression cycles respectively of the Qixia and Maokou times,and the late Permian is characterized by open platform deposit of the Wujiaping time,with 2 and a half cycles as a whole.
参考来源 - 湖北秭归兴滩二叠系沉积及演化特征In this paper, we deal with two problems of function regression. They are estimating parameter and boundary problems of differential equations.
参考来源 - 支持向量机在基于边缘检测的图像分割和函数估计中的应用He put forward distinctive theories of primary object-love and therapeutic regression, advocated positive views of humanity in psychoanalysis, and emphasized the mutuality of doctor-patient relation.
参考来源 - 迈克尔·巴林特的客体关系理论与实践研究In by non-communism to in communism regression production process, human's freedom aware integrity can realize unceasingly, The humanity unceasingly moves towards the freedom from the necessity, the communism is the human tragedy history end point.
参考来源 - 从必然迈向自由:马克思主义悲剧观的人学思考·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: simple regression regression toward the mean statistical regression
以上来源于: WordNet
A method of outlier detection in re-gression is proposed making use of the character of structure risk function and KT condition in support vector regression in this paper.
The research on support vector regression has an important theoretical and applicable significance on function regression(re-gression approximation).