... i think is funny » 我觉得很有趣 Reaching » (动) 抵达, 到达; 伸出; 达到; 伸手及到, 够到; 达到, 伸出手, 延伸 no stored jobs » 没有储存的工作 ...
far-reaching 深远的 ; 影响长远的 ; 意义深远的 ; 影响深远的
Reaching for the Stars 真命天女 ; 银海惊涛 ; 艾尔尼 ; 橘子汁
Reaching Out 探出手去 ; 伸出手去 ; 从幻想到祈祷 ; 美丽人生
reaching for my heart 触动我心 ; 打动我心 ; 住在我心里 ; 进入我心田
Reaching for the phone 伸手去拿电话
far-reaching significance 深远意义 ; 长远意义 ; 深远的意义 ; 涌
subject to reply reaching here 复到 ; 限复到 ; 限
Reaching for the Sky 直插云霄
V-T When someone or something reaches a place, they arrive there. 到达 (某地)
He did not stop until he reached the door.
V-T If someone or something has reached a certain stage, level, or amount, they are at that stage, level, or amount. 达到 (某一阶段、水平或数量)
The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible.
V-I If you reach somewhere, you move your arm and hand to take or touch something. 伸手去 (拿或够东西)
Judy reached into her handbag and handed me a small, printed leaflet.
V-T If you can reach something, you are able to touch it by stretching out your arm or leg. (伸展手臂或腿) 够到
Can you reach your toes with your fingertips?
V-T If you try to reach someone, you try to contact them, usually by telephone. (常指通过电话) 联系上 (某人)
Has the doctor told you how to reach him or her in emergencies?
V-T/V-I If something reaches a place, point, or level, it extends as far as that place, point, or level. 延伸到; 延伸
...a nightshirt that reached to his knees.
V-T When people reach an agreement or a decision, they succeed in achieving it. 达成
A meeting of agriculture ministers has so far failed to reach agreement over farm subsidies.
N-UNCOUNT Someone's or something's reach is the distance or limit to which they can stretch, extend, or travel. (人或物所能及的) 距离; 限度
Isabelle placed a wine cup on the table within his reach.
N-UNCOUNT If a place or thing is within reach, it is possible to have it or get to it. If it is out of reach, it is not possible to have it or get to it. 可及的范围
It is located within reach of many important Norman towns, including Bayeux.