法律的不完善,无论是实体法的不完善还是程序法的不完善,都对法律上的所谓“不动产”(real Property)造成的损害最大(在欧洲的一般法律术语中,不动产也叫作immovable Property)。
real property lawyer 房地产律师 ; 房地产
real property tax [税收] 不动产税 ; 房地产税 ; 房产税
real property title 不动产物权
real property and personal property 不动产和动产 ; 动产和不动产
real property acquisition tax 不动产购置税 ; [税收] 不动产产权获得税
Real property management 物业管理 ; 物业治理
Real Property Law 不动产法 ; 物权法 ; 不动产法学 ; 不法
Real Property Gains Tax 产业盈利税 ; 盈利税 ; 利税 ; 财产盈利润税金
Property income refers to family-owned property and real property The income it receives.
参考来源 - 十六大以来中国共产党社会分配理论与政策研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: real estate realty immovable
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Real property is property in the form of land and buildings, rather than personal possessions. 不动产 [美国英语]
...the owner or tenant of a piece of real property.
Inspecting title documents to verify whether any real property is pledged as collateral.
A beneficial owner incorporates a nominee company to hold title to commercial real property.
A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property.
Hanson says and I'm quoting him, "The real beginning in the West of individual property holding on a large scale is what he is describing."
Less than one percent, less than one percent of the real and personal property, in both South and North by the 1850s, was held by approximately fifty percent of free adult males.