比较流行的一种说法认为它和一种叫real tennis(室内网球)的运动有关。室内网球馆的四周林立着墙柱子(pillar或者post ),网球一旦撞到这些柱子上就会四处弹跳,网球手为捡球自然会在柱子...
- Prested酒店是世界上唯一一家提供Tudor时期的实况网球(real tennis)的酒店 - 酒店可以预先安排此项网球赛的介绍课程。 - 客房信息 - Prested Hall酒店拥有11间舒适的套房。
同义词: royal tennis court tennis
以上来源于: WordNet
N an ancient form of tennis played in a four-walled indoor court with various openings, a sloping-roofed corridor along three sides, and a buttress on the fourth side 室内网球; 古式网球,球场四面围墙,门多,三面为侧倾廊道,第四面为扶墙 (Also called royal tennis)
Lawn tennis to give the sport its full title developed from real tennis an indoor game that dates back to twelfth or thirteenth-century France when balls were hit with the palm of the hand.
Lawn tennis, to give the sport its full title, developed from real tennis, an indoor game that dates back to twelfth or thirteenth-century France, when balls were hit with the palm of the hand.
That's Rafael Nadal, one of the loudest grunters in tennis But the real screamers are the women.