因为几乎所有的税种在征税的时候都基于实 现原则(realization principle),收入只 有到在法律上满足了“实现”的要件,才有 可能被征税。 实现原则实际上已经演化为现代税制的最重 要原则之一。
... realization and liquidation statement 变产清算表 realization principle 变现原则 realized gain or loss已实现损益 ...
revenue realization principle [会计] 收入实现原则
The Realization principle 实质重于形式原则 ; 实现原则
income realization principle [会计] 收益实现原则
haha realization principle 实现原则
performance realization principle 实现原则
principle and realization 原理与实现
compiling principle and realization 编译原理与实现
design principle and realization 设计原理与实现
Traditional accounting income measurement was mainly based on historical cost principle, realization principle ,matching principle and cautious principle, which has not been able to adapt to today's society, so traditional accounting income faces with more and more great challenge.
传统的 收益确定主要以历史成本原则、收入实现原则、收入与成本配比原则和稳健性原则为基础,这与日趋复杂的当今社会不能完全适应,传统会计 收益受到极大的冲击,全面 收益观逐渐盛行。
参考来源 - 试析全面收益报告及其对信息使用者的影响—《改革与战略》—2008年第10期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The inner realization principle of recursion is discussed.
This paper also studies the realization principle and key technique of software test automation tools for GUI.
The realization principle indicates that revenue should he recognized at the time goods are sold or services are rendered.