后边 中文名称:后边 英文名称:rear side 附件列表 下载次数:0 0 词条内容仅供参考,如果您需要解决具体问题(尤其在法律、医学等领域),建议您咨询相关领域专业人士。 如果您认为本词条还有待完善,请 编
Rear side member 后纵梁
Rear Side Airbag 后座侧边气囊
right rear side 右后侧
Rear side exhaust tailpipe 排气管
rear side door 后侧门
Rear-side Passivation 应用于背面钝化
Automotive Rear Side Trim 汽车后面修剪
GO rear side 上一级
Exhaust air from rear side; galvanized steel molding frame, white coated steel cover.
Pulling out a hammer he had stuffed into his shorts, Hughes smashed a rear side window.
The silicon iPad case shows a space for a rear-facing camera at the top, and a speaker grille on the bottom rear side.