[ 复数 recalls 第三人称单数 recalls 现在分词 recalling 过去式 recalled 过去分词 recalled ]
Total Recall 全面回忆 ; 宇宙威龙 ; 魔鬼总动员
Product Recall 产品召回 ; 产品回收 ; 召回行为 ; 产
recall tests 记忆测试 ; 回忆测试 ; 回忆试验
Recall Ratio [图情] 查全率 ; 召回率
Virtual Recall 异空危情
restriced recall 安全出口
recall bias [统计] 回忆偏倚 ; 回忆偏误 ; 回忆偏差 ; 回忆性偏倚
Robo Recall 机械重装 ; 罗博的召唤 ; 机器重装 ; 机器人召唤
letter of recall 召回公文 ; 召回国书 ; 召回书 ; 召回
V-T/V-I When you recall something, you remember it and tell others about it. 记起; 回忆道
Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington.
His mother later recalled: "He used to stay up until two o'clock in the morning playing these war games."
"What was his name?"—"I don't recall."
N-UNCOUNT Recall is the ability to remember something that has happened in the past or the act of remembering it. 记忆力; 回忆
He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words.
V-T If you are recalled to your home, country, or the place where you work, you are ordered to return there. 召回 (某人)
The U. S. envoy was recalled to Washington.
N-SING Recall is also a noun. 召回
The recall of Ambassador Alan Green is a public signal of America's concern.
V-T If a company recalls a product, it asks the stores or the people who have bought that product to return it because there is something wrong with it. 召回 (产品)
The company said it was recalling one of its drugs and had stopped selling two others.
N-COUNT Recall is also a noun. 召回
...a recall of the laptops due to defective supply parts.