又称分子克隆(molecular cloning)、DNA克隆(DNA cloning)、重组DNA(recombinant DNA),是指应用酶学的方法,在体外将各种来源的遗传物质---同源的或异源的、真核的或原核的、天然的或人工合成的DNA与载体DNA结合成一...
Recombinant DNA technology DNA重组技术 ; 技术 ; 重组DNA工艺学
recombinant DNA technique 技术 ; 重组脱氧核糖核酸技术 ; 重组DNA技术
recombinant DNA molecule 重组DNA分子
cloning of recombinant DNA 重组DNA构筑
recombinant DNA molecules 重组DNA分子
recombinant DNA technologies 重组DNA技术
Recombinant DNA commitee 重组DNA委员会
N DNA molecules that are extracted from different sources and chemically joined together; for example DNA comprising an animal gene may be recombined with DNA from a bacterium 重组体DNA
Technically, I am the daughter of recombinant DNA.
Nesiritide is a synthetic form of brain natriuretic peptide using recombinant DNA technology.
The proponents of recombinant DNA research have decided to encourage federal regulation of their work;