0 中文名称:红色十一月 英文名称:Red November 价格:60 所在地:上海杨浦 交易方式: 状态:仅仅开封(仅开封,其他未动) 供求: 详细描述:红色十一月,开封后没玩过,身边没TX感冒这种类型的
November Red 唱片名
It is as potent as red cabbage from the moment it breaks earth to the time it is finally defeated by slugs or frost some time in November.
This year on November 4th, Russian Mode managed to organise a concert of its flagship rock group a few metres from Red Square.
Once they receive their red hats on November 20th, some 25 of the 120 voting cardinals will be Italians; it looks highly possible that one of them will be chosen to succeed the 83-year-old Benedict.