...际劳工组织的公约称之为“离职补贴”(severance allowance),我国台湾地区称之为“资遣费”,英国称之为“遣散费”(redundancy pay),是劳动合..
to pay for redundancy payments 去支付裁员费用
Many European countries have better employment protection for workers, including legislation about redundancy pay, or sick leave, or hours of work, or break times at work.
The newly unemployed should be given more help by reversing cuts in Jobcentre Plus staff, increasing statutory redundancy pay and lifting the amount of redundancy pay that can be taken tax-free.
削减就业中心(Jobcentre Plus)职员的举措应当停止并转而增加职员,以向新的失业者提供更多帮助。 帮助失业者的措施还应包括提高法定遣散费和提高遣散费的可免税部分金额。
Spain’s jobless benefits are quite generous and are paid for long periods, so many workers may opt for redundancy rather than take a pay cut.