reflected light [光] 反射光 ; 折光 ; 轻装反映出图片
reflected light holography 反射光全息照相术
reflected light luminaire 反射光照明
pllarising microscope in reflected light 反射光偏振微镜
reflected light meter 反射光测光表 ; 反射光式曝光表
intensity of reflected light 反射光强度
main reflected light 正反射光
specularly reflected light 镜面反射光
scattering and reflected light 散射光和反射光
Avoid Glare and Tiny Text High-gloss screens are all the rage, but that reflected light is hard on your eyes.
The reflected light was found to be missing infrared wavelengths that are absorbed by water molecules.
SWIR technology detects reflected light at wavelengths that the human eye cannot see, in wavelength bands between visible and thermal cameras.