...照组在某特定因素上有无差异,统计方法不能只作xZ检验,还应计算出odds比,从而推论某因素对某疾病发生的相对危险度(Relative risk)。Odds比(简称oD)是1951年eornrie一d提倡的指标,用以表示两个因素之间的联系程度。
绝对危险性(absolute risk)指接触某种污染物所致的不良反应的净增危险性。相对危险性(relative risk)指接触的人群发生不良反应的危险性与未接触人群危险性的比值。
... 相对增长率 relative growth rate 相关风险 relative risk 相关战略 correlated strategy ...
haplotype relative risk test 单体相对危险度检测
relative risk reduction 相对危险度降低率 ; 相对危险降低率 ; 相对危险度减少率 ; 相对风险差
excess relative risk 超额相对危险
relative risk ratio 的相对风险比 ; 险比 ; 相对危险度 ; 相对风险比
relative risk increase 相对危险度增加率 ; 相对危险增高率
RR Relative Risk 相对危险度
haplotype relative risk 单倍型相对风险率分析 ; 分析 ; 单体型相对风险 ; 相对风险分析
Relative risk estimate 相对危险度 ; 有利作用的相对危险度
A case-control study was conducted to investigate the relative risk factors of COPD and provide the clues for primary prevention of COPD. Subjects and MethodsThis study was a hospital-based case-control study.
参考来源 - 慢性阻塞性肺疾病危险因素的病例对照研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
From this, they calculated the relative risk of clinical depression as correlated with coffee consumption.
You don't need to dump everything in developed markets — that's not the point of this kind of relative risk assessment.
The slightly higher relative risk for light drinkers disappeared when all the factors were taken into account, they added.
What this does, when you use relative risk you take some group of the population and you establish their risk as--at one.
You'll see that concept of relative risk come up in subsequent classes.
And so you can see here now you're not just getting relative risks of two, three, or four but you're getting relative risk of a hundred, in this case, massively elevated risk.