Dynamic Debt Repayment Model 动态还款模式 repayment of debt 偿还债务 ; 支付手段 appropriations for repayment funded debt 偿还债务的拨款 ..
...价值尺度 (Unit of Account ) ·流通手段(Medium of Exchange ) ·贮藏手段 (Store of Value ) ·支付手段( Repayment of Debt ) ·世界货币( International Money ) 请注意世界货币的特殊要 求: 一般说来,只有黄 金或白银才能作为世界货 币,铸币和纸币...
to demand repayment of debt 催讨
repayment of national debt 国债偿还
demand repayment of a debt 要回借给人的钱财
claiming repayment of a debt 要求偿还债务
date of debt repayment 借债偿还期
demand repayment of past debt 追索欠债
repayment debt of power rate 还贷电价
A method of debt repayment 一次还本付息还款法
Many state constitutions also enforce repayment of debt.
Debt preservation system is a civil law system that guarantees the repayment of debt by way of maintaining the value of the debtor's liability assets.
Another task that software projects often need time to address is repayment of technical debt.