...ber 1995 《向环境问题咨询委员会提交有关位于沙洲的飞机燃料接收设施的缓解措施报告──一九九五年十一月》 reprocess 再加工;回收加工处理 Repulse Bay Sewage Chlorination Plant 浅水湾污水氯化厂 ..
...环境问题咨询委员会提交有关位于沙洲的飞机燃料接收设施的缓解措施报告──一九九五年十一月》 reprocess 再加工;回收加工处理 Repulse Bay Sewage Chlorination Plant 浅水湾污水氯化厂 ..
the capacity to reprocess 二次加工能力
Reprocess able 可回收再加工
Reprocess Mass Processing 重处理大量处理
reprocess them 再处理
reprocess fibre 再用纤维
chemic's reprocess 化学响应
reprocess adsorbent 吸附再生
reprocess technology 返修工艺
V to treat or prepare (something) by a special method again 用特殊方式再次处理(某事); 用特殊方式再次准备(某事)
Research has shown that Tanco could reprocess the by-product of potassium chloride use to yield a crop fertilizer, leaving a relatively small volume of waste for disposal.
研究表明,Tanco 可以对氯化钾的副产品进行再加工,从而生产出一种农作物肥料,只留下相对较少的垃圾。
India is also insisting that it be given the explicit right to reprocess nuclear fuel - again, in contradiction of the US law.
However, some countries may be wary of depending on foreign powers for their energy and might want to make and reprocess their own fuel.