[ 复数 responds 第三人称单数 responds 现在分词 responding 过去式 responded 过去分词 responded ]
... particularly ad. 稀奇,尤其 respond vi. 答复,回复;反应 response n. 回答,新开奇迹私服的承诺,我们会做得更好, 感情败给了距离,距离败给了时间,我们败给了现实,奇迹私服答复;反馈 ...
respond to 响应 ; 回答 ; 对 ; 对……反应
respond to the call 响应号召 ; 响应号令
respond time 响应时间 ; 反应时间 ; 最快反应速度 ; 回应时间
Frequency Respond 频率响应 ; 频响
people respond to incentives 人们会对激励作出反应 ; 人们会对激励做出反应 ; 原理四人们会响应激励
Respond to Original 回应主贴
Respond to sth 反映某事 ; 对
Auto respond 自动回复
no respond 无响应 ; 没有回应 ; 如何引起的
V-T/V-I When you respond to something that is done or said, you react to it by doing or saying something yourself. 回应
They are likely to respond positively to the president's request for aid.
The army responded with gunfire and tear gas.
"I have no idea," she responded.
V-I When you respond to a need, crisis, or challenge, you take the necessary or appropriate action. 应对
This modest group size allows our teachers to respond to the needs of each student.
V-I If a patient or their injury or illness is responding to treatment, the treatment is working and they are getting better. 作出反映
I'm pleased to say that he is now doing well and responding to treatment.