质子带一个单位正电荷,静质量(rest mass)1.67×10-27kg (=938MeV), 是电子的1836倍。一般来说,质子为稳定粒子,最近的一次测量指出它的寿命>1030a。
...相对论 special relativity 狭义相对论中的质量 Mass in special relativity ; Relativistic mass ; Mass dilation ; Rest Mass ..
zero rest mass 零静止质量
rest-mass energy 静质能量
neutron rest mass 中子静止质量 ; 中子静质量
electron rest mass [物] 电子静止质量 ; 电子剩余质量 ; 电子剩馀质量
rest mass of neutron 中子静质量
rest mass of proton 质子静质量
rest mass of electron 电子静质量
infinite rest mass 无限静止质量
proton rest mass 质子的静止质量 ; 质子静止质量
以上来源于: WordNet
N the mass of an object that is at rest relative to an observer. It is the mass used in Newtonian mechanics (用在牛顿力学中的)静止质量
The radiation strength is relative to the rest mass and the energy of pa.
Evidently one of the main distinguishing characteristics of photon is just its zest rest mass.
A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
You hook one end of the spring to a wall and you pull it from rest by some amount and you attach the one kilogram mass to it.
你把弹簧的一端固定在墙上,然后拉伸一段距离,接着你把 1 千克物体固定在上面