... 〖physiciantrainedinherbmedicine〗∶中医医生 〖suite;retinue〗∶对他人亲随的敬称 〖official〗∶官名。清朝六部以下设司,司设长官郎中 ...
Retinue Longbowmen 长弓卫队
Retinue Mercenary Longbowmen 雇佣长弓兵
retinue and protect 侍从并护卫
with a large retinue 前面有人吆喝开路
Detached Retinue 被差遣的仆人
a retinue 随从一群随从 ; 随员 ; 随行人员随行跟从的全体人员
his supernatural retinue detail 眷属妙
retinue e 侍从
follower retinue 旧指跟随人员
N-COUNT An important person's retinue is the group of servants, friends, or assistants who go with them and take care of their needs. 随行人员; 随从
Mind trainers are now part of a tennis star's retinue.
Mind trainers are now part of a tennis star's retinue.
To feed and reward his huge retinue, he took 30,000 donkey-loads of grain from Kabul and Ghazni.
To feed and reward his huge retinue, he took 30, 000 donkey-loads of grain from Kabul and Ghazni.