...恢复b值的,它设置为这个活动记录的上一个活动记录的b值,即指向调用当前过程的过程的存取链; 返回地址(return address)是用于过程返回时确定返回地址的,它记录了过程调用语句的下一个语句的地址。 2.
...指等级优先顺序运算子相遇时以在 左者优先 9-3 堆叠与伫列 堆叠的应用 副程式呼叫时,储存呼叫者的返回位址(Return Address),并配 置空间副中的区域变数(Local Variables) 中断之处理(Interrupt Handling):记录原程式的状态,如返 回位址,旗号等。
Return Address Stack 返回地址栈 ; 回地址栈 ; 地址栈 ; 返回地址堆栈
abnormal return address [计] 异常返回地址 ; 异常转回地址
error return address 错误转回位址 ; [计] 出错返回地址
return address link [计] 返回地址连接
return address instruction 返回地址指令
hardware return-address storage 硬件返回地址寄存器
return address type 返回地址类型
normal return address 正常转回地址
subroutine return address [计] 子程序返回地址
以上来源于: WordNet
In our mailbox arrived an envelope without a return address.
We put our return address on it.
The return address was Childress, Texas.
Instead I'm going to be expecting the address of some int and the address of another int and thanks to this address I can literally find this address in RAM, do anything I want there, -- return and what I've just done is actually changed or mutate the values of those original variables.
I mean what if you're running so many things, what if the user has copied and pasted their thesis and just pasted it at the blinking prompt such that you're now out of memory because your computer is somewhat limited in memory so get string cannot possibly return all those characters or fit all of those characters in memory and return to you the address of the first.