How Rich People Think 富人是怎么想的 ; 富人是如何思考的 ; 富人思维 ; 富人如何思考
rich people and nerds 富人和书呆子
I was feeling rich people 我是个情感丰富的人
Rich people live in 有钱人住的地方
Rich People Problems 富人问题一箩筐 ; 富人问题 ; 富人的问题
Such rich people 他是最年轻的
Especially Very Rich People 特别非常有钱人
teach rich people new skills 传授富人新的技能
You Rich People 你们富足人
the rich people 富民思想
At first, only very rich people had gardens.
Although South Africa has many of the attributes of the First World – some good infrastructure, millions of rich people – it is still not part of that world.
Hotels were full of rich people wolfing expensive meals.