rope ladder 绳梯 ; [船] 软梯 ; 轮船
rope ladder storage seat 软梯存放座
rope-ladder 绳梯
a rope ladder 吊梯 ; 绳梯
rope-ladder puncture technique 绳梯穿刺法
the rope ladder fixator 绳梯样内固定器
concluding line of rope ladder 绳梯中央绳
Rope ladder winch 软梯绞车
We climbed rather perilously down a rope-ladder to the boat below.
What you should do: you could always train with your local high school football team while they work out with the rope ladder.
Drossin did jump roping, skipping drills, box jumps, and even high-knee sprints through the "rope ladder" that you often see at football training camps.