Rose Bengal Medium 孟加拉红培养基 ; 玫瑰红钠琼脂 ; 玫瑰红钠琼脂培养基 ; 虎红培养基
Rose Bengal Agar 玫瑰红钠琼脂培养基 ; 孟加拉红琼脂 ; 虎红琼脂 ; 玫瑰红钠琼脂
Rose Bengal Na salt 虎红钠盐 ; 四氯四碘荧光素二钠
rose bengal sodium 放射性玫瑰红钠
Rose Bengal sodium salt 虎红钠盐 ; 玫瑰红 ; 虎红
Rose Bengal Agar Medium 玫瑰红钠琼脂培养基
Rose Bengal lactone 孟加拉红内酯
Rose Bengal test 红试验 ; 试验
Rose Bengal staining 试验或玫瑰红染色 ; 玫瑰红染色 ; 孟加拉玫瑰红染色法
The second stain is called Rose Bengal. It highlights the dry areas on your eye so the extent of the problem can be determined.
Conclusion: The unilateral hippocampal infarction model induced by Rose Bengal associated with cold light irradiation has a good stability, excellent repetition and high survival rate in rats.