...端口(为sessionreplication)。如果在给定的时间帧内,某个实例没有接收到这些信息,那么该实例就会被认为是当机。 round-robin轮循 random随机 ..
group round robin 小组循环赛 ; 小组轮回赛 ; 小组回圈赛
ROUND ROBIN 单循环赛 ; 循环 ; 小组循环赛 ; 循环提示器
Round-Robin Scheduling 轮叫调度 ; 轮转调度 ; 循环调度 ; 轮询调度算法
round robin tournament 循环赛 ; 轮回赛
Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling 加权轮叫调度 ; 调度算法 ; 带权重的大锅饭调度 ; 加权轮询调度
Weighted Round Robin 加权轮叫 ; 加权轮询 ; 权重轮循均衡 ; 加权轮循
singles round robin 循环赛制
Round robin system 循环赛制
Single round robin system 单循环赛制 ; 单循环制
This method has been compared with Round-Robin Scheduling and the experiment result shows that the new methods designed can assure the load-balance in muti-engine more efficiently.
参考来源 - 一种分布式工作流中基于负载平衡的调度算法 in C·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: round robin
同义词: round robin
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A round-robin is a sports competition in which each player or team plays against every other player or team. 循环赛 [usu N n]
They beat Canada 4-1 in their last round-robin match at Nagoya in Japan.
They beat Canada 4-1 in their last round-robin match at Nagoya in Japan.
In Listing 1, we assign message priority simply on a round-robin basis.
To balance the workload, incoming requests are partitioned among running processes in a round-robin manner.