salivary gland [解剖] 唾腺 ; 唾液腺 ; [解剖] 涎腺 ; 唾腺液
salivary gland chromosome 唾液腺染色体 ; 涎腺染色体 ; 染色体
mixed tumor of salivary gland 涎腺混合瘤 ; 涎腺混和瘤
salivary gland tumor 涎腺肿瘤 ; 唾液腺肿瘤
salivary gland hormone 唾液腺激素 ; 唾腺激素
minor salivary gland 小涎腺 ; 小唾液腺 ; 腺体
Salivary Gland Diseases 涎腺疾病 ; 唾液腺疾病 ; 唾腺疾病
submaxillary salivary gland 下颌下唾腺 ; 颌下唾腺
Government scientists have succeeded in isolating from mouse leukemia tissue another agent which has produced salivary gland cancers in mice.
The Israeli study suggested there may be an association between heavy mobile phone use and the risk of salivary gland tumors but called for further study.
The study examines whether a salivary gland reaction really exists.