[1] 萨马拉 ( Samara )位于 萨马拉 河与伏尔加河的交汇处,是俄罗斯伏尔加河中游的重工业城市。1935年易名为古比雪夫,1991年苏联解体后恢复旧称。
Samara River 萨马拉河
Samara Oblast 萨马拉州
double samara 双翅果
Samara Hotel 成都翼果酒店 ; 萨马拉酒店
samara golden 戈尔登 ; 萨马拉·戈尔登
Samara Bend 它除了在萨马拉弯
Samara Airlines 萨马拉航空公司
Samara Reservoir 古比雪夫水库 ; 俄罗斯萨马拉水库
Samara Santos 桑托斯
N a dry indehiscent one-seeded fruit with a winglike extension to aid dispersal: occurs in the ash, maple, etc 翼果 (Also called key fruit)
The samara is a monocopter, meaning it has a single wing.
The wing of the vehicle is similar in size to a natural samara wing.
Samara bay is the most beautiful construction in Russia. Below are pictures taken in 1959-1963.